
   As I was reading the blogs in The Wall Street Journal, I found the blog 2010 will be a Tough Census.The author has expressed his individual ideas and thoughts about 2010’s census which is likely to be the tough census and the most challenging population count in recent history. The cost of census is also expected to rise and there is doubt regarding the accuracy of the count. Sean Reardon, Professor at Stanford University who studies income inequality has indicated that recession could make hard to find the people.

       The author has given his reason which is the bad timing where census is going to take place during the worst recession period. He says that the government knows when the census takes place but it is the economic condition which is so unpredictable. He has predicted that this year’s census would take place aftermath of the worst recession. The writer has given more importance to the recession because it is considered as one of the topmost factor which is expected to hinder the 2010’s census. He has compared the timing of census with the past which used to take place in prosperous time before the beginning of the recession. He has answered how the population count would be affected if the census is conducted in awake of deep recession .People have been forced to move around different places because of the economic hardship due to which they could be omitted from the count. Also census seekers have to search them when they do not answer their surveys which will raise the cost of census .The author has tried to give us information how the cost of the census would increase and how tough the census of 2010 is going to be with his relevant ideas.

        I agree with the author’s idea but I think the reason he has offered is not enough to support the fact. He could have included the data and statistics to support his ideas. There is no any logics and evidences which would grab the reader’s mind. The topic he has chosen is very reasonable and appropriate as compared to the content. I think he could have added more facts and content to make more fascinating and interesting rather than simply presenting his own ideas.