
In response to more in oil spill

It is time to be serious about our future and nature in which we are living. We have faced many natural disasters in past and now the oil spill in Golf of Mexico. Our Government has attempted several times to solve this problem but, unfortunately, the problem is still rising. When I was reading my colleague’s blog,I found more on oil drilling connected with the disaster that we are facing at present. He says that we human being are so selfish that we chase after money and wealth and destroy our own nature and its resources. However, we forget that nature takes revenge with us for creating an imbalance in the ecosystem and natural resources. Now is the time to think of alternative support for energy rather than searching new mines for drilling. The author has mentioned that Shell is moving ahead to drill Alaska for oil. Despite of warning from environmentalists, the work of drilling the earth is rising which is a matter of pressure to everyone because we are the one who have to face the challenges and environmental disaster. Oil spill in Golf of Mexico is the case of the natural disaster we are facing at present. The author is extremely serious about this matter.

The author has successfully cleared the idea that he wants people to understand the reason to explore the other source or energy than drilling another part of the earth. As a reader, I found the article highly relevant, and truthful. It is well organized and well managed. It does not contain any untrue facts. The author has done a fantastic job by including several suggestions that we need to do to keep the nature and our environment. I believe that the author has done an incredible job by including the facts and evidences. The article includes enough logics and ideas. In addition, it makes us aware that we should be careful about our environment before doing

Arizona's tough Immigration Law

    Arizona’s Immigration Law is the hottest topic at present. The Law signed by Arizona’s Governor Jan Brewer on April 23 is the nation’s toughest bill ever on illegal immigration into law. The main aim of the bill is to identify, prosecute and deport the illegal immigrants. Governor Brewer signed the bill despite the criticism on President Obama. President Obama called this law “miss-guided” and referred to justice. This law has charged the national debate about securing the Mexican border and fighting drugs cartels.

    Arizona Law gives authority to Arizona local police to arrest the immigrants they suspect are living illegally in United States and check they legal status. According to public poll, many said Arizona’s Law needs changes; three quarters said illegal immigrants were occupying their jobs and were enjoying the public services without paying. Well, the law has not taken effect and is facing legal challenges. Majority believe that this law is devised for segregation, discrimination and racial profile. The law raises a moral issue for those illegal immigrants who were here as yearly as they were 6 months old. They do not know anything about their country and they spend all their life in United States. In consequences of this law, they will be detained too. Many Americans still believe that immigrants have weakened the economy of America; therefore, this law is appropriate, whereas some argue the law is all right. However, some changes needs to be done. The number of protesters has increased not only in Arizona but also in other states. Protesters from other states fear that parallel law may employ in their state. It is the broadest and strictest immigration law in generations, which allows Arizona police officials to stop, ask and arrest any immigrant if they do not provide legal documentation. The law will carry into effect 90 days after the end of the legislative session, by August. It may lead to more crimes as immigrants would not report the crime to the police department due to the fear of detention. The law has created strong fissure in Arizona, with thousands of the caller to the Governor’s office urging her to reject the toughest immigration law.