
President Obama and Russian President Medvedev have signed the treaty to cut off the nuclear arms

        President Obama and the President of Russia Medvedev has recently signed the treaty about cutting the nuclear arms. At present where most of the countries are increasing the production of nuclear weapons, President Obama after passing health care reform Law, is on mission to reduce the utility of nuclear arms together with nuclear-armed country Russia. It is good to know that President Obama wants to solve every problem by peace process. It may sound offensive and unusual to some people, who think America deserves the hegemony, but I actually admire and appreciate Mr. President for this peace action. He also proved that he deserved the Novel peace price as a lot of controversy raised by then when he won the Nobel peace prize.

       The production and use of nuclear weapons and arms does not make country powerful rather it creates threats and insecurity to people. We have already learned the lesson from the World War 2 about the consequences of nuclear arms. We cannot even imagine the worst scenario that nuclear weapons will create even though we saw Japan literally bombed and effected for decades .Therefore it is right step that President Obama has taken to cut off the use of nuclear arms in America. We are well known that some of the countries at present are increasing the production of nuclear power to prove them powerful. The effect is every people in the world are globally threatened regardless of the country because of their ambition to be dominant. However, President Obama has tried to show that a country can be strong and powerful without nuclear arms. This could be a live example for all the countries in the world.

           Mr. President has taken such a peaceful step to secure the future of America by peace process. President Obama and Russian President Medvedev are in process of increasing the participation of other countries as well. President Obama has said that America and Russia are prepared to take leadership once again by signing the treaty of cutting down the nuclear arms. They are also confident in ratifying the treaty .It is believed that this treaty will be the key part to reset the acquaintance with Russia that was badly strained under the Bush administration. It is good news that America is proceeding toward friendship and peace action with other nations and building the new relationships with those countries that had cold feeling between each other because of past wars. This news could be something that many Americans might have been waiting to read since so long.

1 comment:

  1. First of all Kalpana I just wanted to say that this is a great article you’ve made here, and it is very well formulated.
    I have to agree with you that I am glad that President Obama is initializing this new treaty. No matter how many lives a successful nuclear attack can save of the launching country, there is simply no justification for nuclear warfare. Especially after what has happened to those living in Japan in the past, as well as those who are still suffering from its effects today.
    I feel that Russia has always been a very significant player in the community of countries in the world. While most of their land is rather worthless, their knowledge and technology are invaluable, this is a great step forward to rebinding a long lost friendship.

    Nuclear war is a heartless, cold, ruthless and lacks any and all honor. As cruel and horrible war is, something as large scale as nuclear warheads are simply unacceptable, the wrong people get hurt in the worst possible way.
